Sunday, 23 August 2015

This Chinese Face Map Indicates What The Body Fights With

When our biggest organ – the skin, starts to give symptoms, it can be an indicator that something is wrong. We can see what that is from the face.
According to the Chinese medicine every part of your face represents certain organs of the boy, and when some imbalance is happening, it is shown you your face. The signs are rash, pimples, and change of skin color.

Forehead – small intestine and bladder

Cause: too much processed food and fats causes slow digestion, and also too much sugar, alcohol, stress, and staying up late.
Cure: lots of water, raw food, good sleep and alcohol abstinence.

Between the eyebrows – liver

Cause: the stomach is working too much and doesn’t get the needed rest. You might be allergic to some ingredients, and you eat a lot of meat.
Cure: fresh and healthy food is recommended, exercises like yoga, meditation and fast walk, and fresh air.

Eyebrow arch – kidneys

Cause: too much alcohol, smoking, weak heart and bad circulation
Cure: plenty of clean water, cut down on sweetened drinks, caffeine and alcohol. See if you have dehydrated.

Nose – heart

Cause: polluted air, closed rooms, swollen stomach, gasses, and bad circulation. Also, the high blood pressure can cause many problems in this face area.
Cure: follow the cholesterol level, check the blood pressure. Exercising is mandatory. Organic green tea can help you to remove the toxins.

Upper part of the cheeks – lungs

Cause: pollution, asthma, smoking… There is a chance of dark circles around your eyes.
Cure: if you smoke, stop smoking. Keep away from smoke and polluted air. Start with physical activities.

Cheeks – kidneys and lungs

Cause: stress, smoking, a lot of sugar and bad food.
Cure: use quality cosmetic products and eliminate the bad food.

Chin and mouth – stomach

Cause: food that has a lot of sugar and fat, and stimulants like alcohol and caffeine. This part is most affected after you use season food. Stress and staying up late can cause some imbalance.
Cure: eat a lot of fruit. Start a diet in order to establish balance. Visit a doctor if your problems continue.

Neck and jaw – hormones

Cause: too much spices, salty food, and not enough water. Also, too much caffeine.
Cure: cut down on spices, salt and caffeine. Drink more water.

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