Sunday, 23 August 2015

This Chinese Face Map Indicates What The Body Fights With

When our biggest organ – the skin, starts to give symptoms, it can be an indicator that something is wrong. We can see what that is from the face.
According to the Chinese medicine every part of your face represents certain organs of the boy, and when some imbalance is happening, it is shown you your face. The signs are rash, pimples, and change of skin color.

Forehead – small intestine and bladder

Cause: too much processed food and fats causes slow digestion, and also too much sugar, alcohol, stress, and staying up late.
Cure: lots of water, raw food, good sleep and alcohol abstinence.

Between the eyebrows – liver

Cause: the stomach is working too much and doesn’t get the needed rest. You might be allergic to some ingredients, and you eat a lot of meat.
Cure: fresh and healthy food is recommended, exercises like yoga, meditation and fast walk, and fresh air.

Eyebrow arch – kidneys

Cause: too much alcohol, smoking, weak heart and bad circulation
Cure: plenty of clean water, cut down on sweetened drinks, caffeine and alcohol. See if you have dehydrated.

Nose – heart

Cause: polluted air, closed rooms, swollen stomach, gasses, and bad circulation. Also, the high blood pressure can cause many problems in this face area.
Cure: follow the cholesterol level, check the blood pressure. Exercising is mandatory. Organic green tea can help you to remove the toxins.

Upper part of the cheeks – lungs

Cause: pollution, asthma, smoking… There is a chance of dark circles around your eyes.
Cure: if you smoke, stop smoking. Keep away from smoke and polluted air. Start with physical activities.

Cheeks – kidneys and lungs

Cause: stress, smoking, a lot of sugar and bad food.
Cure: use quality cosmetic products and eliminate the bad food.

Chin and mouth – stomach

Cause: food that has a lot of sugar and fat, and stimulants like alcohol and caffeine. This part is most affected after you use season food. Stress and staying up late can cause some imbalance.
Cure: eat a lot of fruit. Start a diet in order to establish balance. Visit a doctor if your problems continue.

Neck and jaw – hormones

Cause: too much spices, salty food, and not enough water. Also, too much caffeine.
Cure: cut down on spices, salt and caffeine. Drink more water.

What is Chinese Face Mapping?


What is Chinese Face Mapping?

The Chinese have long thought of the organs in our body as interconnected and when something goes wrong, the whole body is treated, not just the symptoms.
Chinese face mapping or ‘Mien Shiang‘ literally means reading the face and traditional Chinese medicine firmly believes in the face telling more stories than whether you are pretty or not.
When one of our largest organ – our skin starts playing up, it could be an indication of something else that is not going right inside us; and what ever these imbalances are (and we may not be aware of them), it will show on our face.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Chinese medicine believes that each part of our face represents certain organs inside our body, and when imbalances occur in certain areas, for example the chin, it is pointing us to other health issues that we need to address.
It could be a wide range of ailments ranging from acne, rashes, and skin sensitivity to wrinkles and pigmentation.

Face Mapping and Skin Conditions

Forehead : Bladder and Small Intestines
Too much fatty and processed food resulting in a sluggish and overworked  digestive system. Excessive alcohol consumption, too much sugar intake and too many late nights will also hinder proper digestion and cause havoc on your skin.
Stress, dirty headgear such as caps, hair fringes, too much hair products and worrying too much could also be a cause.
Raw foods, plenty of pure water, abstinence from alcohol and plenty of rest and sleep. It’s time to cleanse your system, eat healthy raw foods and empty out the garbage in your head.
Mid Brow : Liver
Like above, you are stressing your digestive system too much and not getting enough rest. You may also be allergic to certain foods such as wheat or diary and/or have a diet too heavy on meat consumption.
As well as eating a healthy fresh food diet; fresh air, calming exercises such as yoga, brisk walking and meditation will help.
Temples and Brows : Kidneys
Excessive tobacco, alcohol, poor lymphatic circulation, high fat consumption and possible weak heart.
Plenty of pure water and cut down on caffeine, sugary drinks and alcohol. Make sure you are hydrated all the time.
Nose : Heart
Constipation, indigestion, gas, bloating and poor blood circulation. High blood pressure could also bring problems to this area of your face.
Check your blood pressure to make sure that it is within the acceptable range and follow a low cholesterol and low fat diet. Organic green tea will help flush out toxins and moderate daily exercise will also improve the condition.
Upper Cheeks : Lungs
Respiratory problems caused by asthma, pollution, smoking will all affect this area. This is also where dark circles under the eyes are formed.
Keep away from polluted air, smog, second smoke and increase your oxygen intake. If you smoke, stop. exercise in fresh air and keep away from spicy and fatty foods.
Right and Left Cheek : Lungs and Kidneys
Smoking, bad digestion, stomach problems, stress, bad diet, sugar overload and possible allergies.
Eliminate processed foods from your diet and make sure you are using good quality makeup or skin care products that are suitable for your skin. As your cheeks touches surfaces such as pillow cases and mobile phones, make sure these areas are clean. Same applies to makeup sponges and brushes.
Mouth and Chin : Stomach
A diet too rich in fats, sugar and stimulants such as caffeine and alcohol. If you notice this is the area that gets most affected after festive season eating. Too many late nights and stress on your body will also lead to hormonal imbalances.
A detox diet will help cleanse the system out and restore some balance. Eat plenty of dark green vegetables and make sure you are hydrated and not over loading your system. Should problems persist, check with a doctor for any imbalances in your hormonal system.
Jawline and Neck : Hormones
It could be your body fight bacteria, stress, a change in environment or a change in diet and lifestyle. It could also be because you are ovulating.
Keep the area clean and get plenty of fresh air. Gentle exercise such as yoga and meditation will help as well. Good Omega 3-6-9 tablets will also help balance out hormones.
Ears : Kidneys
Excessive salt, spices, MSG and not enough water. Sometimes, too much caffeine can also result in this area flaring up.
Cut down on salt, spices and caffeine and drink lots of water.

Understanding Chinese Face Mapping

Chinese face map reading is by no means the be all and end of of skin diagnosis. Many factors such as environment, allergies, hygiene, genetics, clothing, medication and lifestyle all come into play; but it is a good place to begin to understand where the problems of your skin condition may come from.

This Fruit is 10.000 Times More Powerful Than Chemo. Saves Lives!

There have been many articles where you could read about curing cancer naturally. But is this possible and could the government know it and keep this information locked up? It is too cruel not helping millions of families devastated by this terrible disease!

Around 20.000 people die from this horrible disease across the world every day. Chemotherapy is the most used treatment for curing cancer. It destroys the cancer cells but also damages healthy body cells.

Soursop sections isolated on white background

A fruit known as “Soursop” or “Graviola tree fruit” may help you fight cancer without any negative reactions. Researches show that the fruit is a natural cancer cure (especially colon cancer) and is 10.000 times stronger than chemo.

Soursop is an evergreen flowering tree fruit and is found in the tropical areas of Cuba, Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Uganda, Somalia and the Caribbean. The fruit is also known as Graviola in Brazil, Guanábana in Spain, Anona in Portugal and Corossol in France. In some cultures it is called Thorny Mango.

It is a spiny green fruit which is white from the inside. Tastes like a combination of pineapple and strawberry with a flavor of banana or coconut. It is rich in vitamin C, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamin A, B-complex, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc.

It can cure fungal and bacterial infections, stress, depression, blood pressure and sleeping disorders. It can make a revolution in medicine, especially for treating cancer. It can naturally destroy cancer cells, without causing nausea, vomiting, hair loss and weight loss. Also, it boosts your immunity and protects you from deadly infections.

The Graviola tree extracts can destroy malignant cells in 12 cancer types such as breast, lung, pancreas, prostate and colon. Graviola extracts destroy only cancer cells and they do not damage healthy cells.

The powerful properties of this amazing fruit have been hidden until now because it can substitute chemo. If this happens, the pharmaceutical companies’ profits will be much lower.

We must mention that still there are some side effects connected with the consumption of this fruit. It has high levels of annonacin that may cause Parkinson’s disease if consumed in large quantities.

You may find this fruit in grocery stores or healthy food stores. Its extracts are found in the form of herbal medicine sold under the name Triamazon.

How Cancer Grows in the Body?

After the discovery of the benefits of this powerful fruit, many people have found many different ways to add it into their diet. But first, you must know how cancer grows in our body.

Sugar is a feeds cancer.

Although it would be hard, try to cut off sugar of your diet.

Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment.

Frequent exercising and deep breathing helps you get more oxygen down to the cellular level. Oxygen therapy can help destroying cancer cells.

Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment.

Anger and bitterness may put the body into a stressful and acidic environment. Try to relax and enjoy life. Meditation helps to de-stress.

Also, remove table salt from your diet and switch to Himalayan salt. Table salt makes our body more acidic.

Diet including meat is acidic. Do not consume beef or pork, but fish and a little chicken. Meat contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones and parasites. Vegetarian diet keeps the body more alkaline.

How to make a Soursop Smoothie
You will need:

–1/2 cup soursop pulp

–1 cup milk

–7-8 ice cubes

Cut the fruit into half, scoop the pulp out and remove the seeds.

In a blender make a smoothie with all the above ingredients. It is ready to pour.

Side Effects and Safety:

Graviola can destroy nerve cells in the brain and other body parts. It may cause movement disorders similar to Parkinson’s disease.

Special Precautions:

If you are pregnant or breast-feeding DO NOT use Graviola.

Also, people with Parkinson’s disease should not consume Graviola because it can worsen the symptoms.


Consult with your doctor before trying this fruit to cure cancer or attempting to try any type of treatment with this fruit.
অনলাইন মেডিকেল চিকিৎসা
আপনার সুস্বাস্থ্যে আমরা - Dr M M Abdul Halim MD Cardiology