Joints pain especially in knees, shoulders and elbows is a side effect of getting old if you are over 40. But sometimes this pain can occur among younger people and it is not because of the age, but it is rather because of arthritis, rheumatism, fractures, overload, or trauma. There are many pills and ointments which promise to reduce the pain, but no matter how long you use them, the pain is back. Luckily, there is a natural recipe which will help you remove the pain after its first use. It comes from the Russian folk medicine and is being prepared from simple ingredients which we all have in our kitchens.
- 1 tbsp. of honey;
- 1 tbsp. of mustard;
- 1 tbsp. of water;
- 1 tbsp. of fine salt.
How to prepare it: mix all the ingredients thoroughly until it becomes a homogeneous mixture and then place it in an empty box of hand cream or some other packaging.
Application: put some of the mixture on the painful place, put a plastic bag over it and tie with a warm scarf made of wool. Hold for 1.5-2 hours. This is best before going to bed so that the joints can rest after the treatment. In the morning wash the place. Repeat the sessions 4-5 days, and only after the first treatment you’ll feel improvements and effects. When needed repeat it. You’ll be able to use the mixture for couple of days, so keep it in the fridge. If the pain returns after some time, make a new mixture and apply.
Mustard is good for other things as well: it is made from herbs mustard or heartburn and is also good if you get burned. Only apply a thick layer and the pain will disappear. Also, if you have a headache, apply some mustard on the forehead and the temples. Moreover, if you catch a cold or have a scratchy throat, swallow 1 tsp of mustard.